Sabtu, 01 Februari 2025




The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the world's most famous wild animals and is often dubbed the "King of the Jungle," although they are found more in savannas than forests. It is a member of the big cat family with a muscular body, long tail, and powerful claws and teeth. Male lions are characterized by a thick mane around their neck, while lionesses do not have a mane. 

Male lions typically weigh around 150 to 250 kilograms, while females are slightly smaller, weighing around 100 to 180 kilograms. Their coat color varies from yellowish brown to dark brown, with a lighter underbelly. The mane on male lions can be brown, black or reddish, darkening with age. 

These animals are known to be social creatures as they live in groups called "prides." Each pride usually consists of several females. Each group usually consists of several females, their cubs, as well as one or two leading adult males. Lionesses are the main hunters in the group and work together to take down large prey such as zebras, antelopes and buffaloes. The lions sleep for twelve to fourteen hours during the daytime and go hunting at night. 

Lions are highly territorial animals and will protect their territory from outside threats. Lion roars can be heard up to 8 kilometers away, which is used to communicate or mark their presence. 

In most forests, you find lions, but they're sometimes found in zoos, centuries, and circuses as well. There are around 10 species of lion spread out over the world. South African Lions are the largest and Transvaal Lions are the second largest. Lions were once found in Eurasia, Africa, and North America 

Lions are considered endangered animals because humans hunt and kill them for their skin, bones and mane. Lions are also kept in zoos, away from the wildlife, where they become unhappy. Therefore, lions must be protected from being hunted down and killed by humans. After all, this majestic animal is a symbol of power, honour and pride and should be preserved for future generations to behold their beauty and grace.

Kelompok : May Nordiana Sari (06), Natasya Nuri Anindita (12, Neni Nopita Sari (13), Niken Aprilia Maharani (14), Rindiani Setya Ningrum (21), Rosidha Dita Ardiana (22), Selviana Nur AZIS (25), Seviani Nur Azis (26), Sovi Dwi Novalasari (28)

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